Would you like a copy of a presentation handout below? Let me know on the Contact page.

Presentations include 25 international and national, 10 regional, and 17 state conferences; 19 invited scholarly talks or presentations; 17 at local conferences, workshops, or class presentations; and 4 where I contributed as an author to presentation preparation but was unable to attend the conference.
International & National Conferences
Pence, C. (2022, November 5). Fully Inhabiting Grief: A Selah Carefarm Model for Traumatic Grief Counseling. Presented for Kaleidoscope 2022: A Virtual Grief Convention for Families & Professionals, British Columbia, Canada.
Pence, C. (2021, April). Work values, job settings, and satisfaction in the mental health workplace. Presented for the American Counseling Association Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Pence Wolf, C. (2020, February 1). Essential self-care: Using group work to explore warning signs and wellness strategies to prevent burnout and promote well-being. Presented for the Association for Specialists in Group Work, Dorado del Mar Beach, Puerto Rico.
Jenkins, A. K. & Pence Wolf, C. (2019, October 12). Gatekeeping in counselor education: Transitioning from punitive to supportive.Presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Seattle, WA.
Pence Wolf, C. & Jenkins, A., K. (2019, October 11). Negotiating the academic job offer in counselor education. Presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Seattle, WA.
Pence Wolf, C. & O’Rourke, D. (2019, June 29). College and career readiness: Empower students and address regional needs through community collaboration. Presented NCDA Global Career Development Conference, Houston, TX.
Pence Wolf, C. (2018, June 21). It takes a village: Enhancing the college and career readiness of students through a community collaboration. Presented for the NCDA Global Career Development Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
Pence Wolf, C., Morgan, L., Ford, D., Smith, A., Pelia-Shuster, J.,& Evans, K. (2018, June 20). Counselor Educator Panel. Presented for the Counselor Educator Academy at the NCDA Global Career Development Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
Pence Wolf, C. (2018, February 17). Meeting the diverse needs of a global community through interdisciplinary collaboration. Presented for the Action Council for Cross Cultural Mental Health & Human Services Annual Cross-Cultural Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC.
Adamson, C. M., Dingle, L., & Pence Wolf, C. (2018, February 17). The power of collaboration: panel discussion. Presented for the Action Council for Cross Cultural Mental Health & Human Services Annual Cross-Cultural Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC.
Pence Wolf, C., Jenkins, A. K., & Dye, L. (2017, October 7). Forging your financial future through successfully negotiating your next academic job package. Presentation accepted for the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Pence Wolf, C. (2017, October 8). Using university-community collaborations to meet community needs and enhance counseling programs. Presentation accepted for the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Pence Wolf, C. (2016, July 1). Negotiating your way to a meaningful work experience. Presented at the NCDA Global Career Development Conference, Chicago, IL
Pence Wolf, C. (2016, June 30). Exploring meaningful work: The relationship between career meaning, satisfaction, wellness, and values. Featured session presented at the NCDA Global Career Development Conference, Chicago, IL
Pence Wolf, C., Wright, D. G., & Starks, S. (2015, October 24). Using community outreach to train students: an inter-professional project with international refugees and staff. Presented at the North American Chapter World Council for Curriculum & Instruction (NAC-WCCI), Nashville, TN.
Pence Wolf, C. (2015, October 9). Prepare and prosper: Negotiating the academic job offer. Presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Chen, P. & Pence Wolf, C. (2015, March 13). Counselor community engagement in collectivistic and Confucian societies: Measuring multicultural competence. Presented at the American Counseling Association Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Pence Wolf, C., Dixon, A., & Goldberg, R.M. (2011, October 29). Facilitating triadic counseling supervision: An adapted model for an underutilized supervision approach. Presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Annual Conference, Nashville, TN.
Adams, C., Puig, A., Baggs, A., & Pence Wolf, C. (2011, March 26). Barriers to integrating religion and spirituality into counselor education: Implications for counselor practice, training, and supervision. Presentation presented at the American Counseling Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Jaramillo, A. M., & Pence Wolf, C. (2011, March 25). Making sexual education fun: Using a support group/book club to explore the changes in sexual attitudes and awareness of female counselors-in-training. Poster presented at the American Counseling Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Baggs, A., Pence Wolf, C., del Moro, R., Puig, A., & Fukuyama, M. (2011, March 25). Integrating spiritual competencies into multicultural counseling: A mixed methods course evaluation study. Poster presented at the American Counseling Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Thompson, I., Pence Wolf, C. & Thompson, E. (2010, March 22). Wellness works: Quantitative and qualitative results of a wellness program provided for counseling graduate students. Presented at the American Counseling Association Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
Baggs, A., Pence Wolf, C., Puig, A. & Fukuyama, M. (2010, March 21). Integrating spiritual and multicultural competencies into counseling: A course evaluation study. Poster presented at the American Counseling Association Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
Pence Wolf, C., Mott, E., Thompson, I.,Baggs, A., & Puig, A. (2010, March 20). Using yoga to improve wellness: Exploring the effects of a four-week Luna Yoga program on female counselors and counselors-in-training. Poster presented at the American Counseling Association Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
Pence Wolf, C. (2010, March 19). Chi Sigma Iota Beta Chapter Showcase. Poster presented at the American Counseling Association Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
Regional Conferences
Pence Wolf, C. & Jenkins, A., K., & Dye, L. (2018, October 13). Ready for a new job? Start early to successfully negotiate your best academic job package. Presented at the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Annual Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC.
Pence Wolf, C. & Butts, C. (2018, October 13). What is your job like? Experiences of counselor educators across various positions. Presented at the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Annual Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC.
Jenkins, A. K. & Pence Wolf, C. (2018, October 12). Effective gatekeeping practices. Roundtable presented at the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Annual Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC.
Pence Wolf, C. & Jenkins, A., K. (2016, October 8). Navigating the negotiation: Successfully negotiating your next academic job package. Presented at the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Pence Wolf, C. (2016, October 8). Weathering the workplace: Finding your ideal work setting to improve satisfaction and avoid burnout. Presented at the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Jenkins, A. K., Pence Wolf, C., & Duba Sauerheber, J. (2016, October 8). Gatekeeping in admissions and beyond. Presented at the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Cashwell, C., Kennedy, S., Pence Wolf, C. & Gibson, D. (2014, October 11). Promoting professional identity and advocacy: Roles for CSI chapters and networks. Presented at the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Annual Conference, Birmingham, AL.
Pence Wolf, C. (2014, October 10). Advocate for yourself: Negotiating your next academic job offer. Presented at the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Annual Conference, Birmingham, AL.
Goldberg, R. M., Dixon, A., & Pence Wolf, C. (2010, October 29). Facilitating triadic counseling supervision: An adapted model for an underutilized supervision approach. Presented at the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Annual Conference, Williamsburg, VA.
Pence Wolf, C. (2008, October 24). Counselor retention after graduation: Why counselors stay or leave the profession. Presented for the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Houston, TX.
State Conferences
Pence Wolf, C. & Ginn, B.* (2019, November 14). The relationship of work values to job satisfaction, burnout, and features of various settings. Poster presented for the Kentucky Counseling Association, Louisville, KY.
Pence Wolf, C., Moore, M.*, & Fleming, P.* (2019, November 14). Make self-care a priority: Explore your wellness strategies, warning signs, and resources. Presented for the Kentucky Counseling Association, Louisville, KY.
Pence Wolf, C. (2018, November 13). Helping students find meaningful direction through college and career readiness. Presented for the Kentucky Counseling Association, Louisville, KY.
Pence Wolf, C. & Carter, R. (2018, November 13). College student performance and well-being: The impact of stress and sleep on GPA and retention. Presented for the Kentucky Counseling Association, Louisville, KY.
Pence Wolf, C. & Bauer, R.* (2017, November 2). From classroom to career field: Using education-community collaboration to enhance college and career readiness. Presented for the Kentucky Counseling Association, Louisville, KY.
Pence Wolf, C. & Carter, R.* (2017, November 2). Relax and rest to succeed: The impact of stress and sleep on college retention and GPA. Presented for the Kentucky Counseling Association, Louisville, KY.
Pence Wolf, C., Wright, D.G., & Starks, S. (2016, November 10). Helping the helpers: Exploring caregiver strain and strategies while serving refugees. Presented for the Kentucky Counseling Association, Louisville, KY.
Pence Wolf, C., Archer, R.* & Wathen, S.* (2016, November 10). Healing hearts: A proposed counseling group for children experiencing anticipatory grief. Presented for the Kentucky Counseling Association, Louisville, KY.
Pence Wolf, C., Burton, K.,* Dillbeck, L. A., & Phillips, A.* (2016, November 10). Navigators: Helping teens navigate parental divorce and separation through small group counseling. Presented for the Kentucky Counseling Association, Louisville, KY.
Pence Wolf, C., Wright, D.G., & Starks, S. (2015, November 5). Working with the culturally diverse: Exploring the needs of international refugees within our state. Presented for the Kentucky Counseling Association, Louisville, KY.
Pence Wolf, C. & Sheucraft, A.* (2015, November 5). Customizing your counseling career: A guide to finding your ideal work setting. Presented for the Kentucky Counseling Association, Louisville, KY.
Pence Wolf, C. & Satterwhite, P.* (2015, November 5). Career tools for counselors: Activities for exploring career-related issues with clients. Presented for the Kentucky Counseling Association, Louisville, KY.
Pence Wolf, C. (2014, November 6). Career tips for counselors: Explore, negotiate, and secure your dream job. Presented at the Kentucky Counseling Association Conference, Louisville, KY.
Pence Wolf, C. & Kennedy, S.(2014, November 6). Promote your practice: Develop and enhance your school, agency, or private practice website. Presented at the Kentucky Counseling Association Annual Conference, Louisville, KY.
Pence Wolf, C. (2008, November 15). Don’t worry, be happy: Exploring counselor satisfaction and retention. Presented for the Florida Counseling Association Conference, Daytona Beach, FL.
Thompson, I., Thompson, E., & Pence Wolf, C. (2008, November 15). Wellness works: Self-care strategies for counselors. Presented for the Florida Counseling Association Annual Conference, Daytona Beach, FL.
Pence, C. (2007, November 30). Money versus meaning in career development. Presented at the Florida Counseling Association Annual Conference, Daytona Beach, FL.
Invited Scholarly Talks and Presentations
Gibson, D., Pence, C. L., Kennedy, S., Gerlach, J., Degges-White, S., Watson, J., & Wynn, M. (2022, March 10). Applying the CSI Counselor Wellness Competencies for Practice, Training, and Research. Presented for Chi Sigma Iota International’s Webinar Series. Retrieved from http://www.csi-net.org/?Webinars.
Pence, C. P. & McMullen, J. (2021, August 4). Competency 6: Wellness Promotion. Presented for Chi Sigma Iota International’s Facebook Webinar Series. Retrieved from https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=560547398285998&ref=sharing.
Fullen, M. & Pence, C. P. (2021, March 4). Wellness Research: Practical Tips to Secure Grant Funding. Presented for Chi Sigma Iota International’s Webinar Series. Retrieved from http://www.csi-net.org/?Webinars.
Gross, T. J., & Pence Wolf, C. (2018, October 23). Benefits of assisting with research. Presented for Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY.
Pence Wolf, C. (2017, November 8). From serving her country to her community: A woman’s journey from Naval officer to counseling professor. Presented for the Bowling Green Rotary Club, Bowling Green, KY.
Laves, K., Crowe, P., & Pence Wolf, C. (2017, May 1). 13 Reasons Why panel discussion. Presented for the WKU Residence Hall Association Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY.
Pence Wolf, C. (2016, January 27). Tools for schools: Activities for exploring career-related issues with students. Presented for the Webinars for State-wide Kentucky School Counselors Series WKU Sisterhood Grant, Online.
Pence Wolf, C. & Satterwhite, P.*(2015, June 15). Stress and healthy choices. Presented for the Western Kentucky University Upward Bound program, Bowling Green, KY.
Pence Wolf, C. (2015, April 10). Keynote: Kappa Sigma Upsilon Chapter of Chi Sigma Iota initiation ceremony. Presented at Kent State University, Kent, OH.
Pence Wolf, C. (2015, April 10). Finding a dream job in counseling: Tips for exploring, negotiating, and securing your next position. Presented at Kent State University, Kent, OH.
Pence Wolf, C. (2014, October 14). Finding a dream job in counseling: Tips for exploring, negotiating, and securing your next position. Presented for Chi Sigma Iota International’s Webinar Series. Retrieved from http://www.csi-net.org/?Webinars.
Pence Wolf, C. (2013, December 4). Factors of career meaning: An analysis of U.S. Naval Academy graduates. Presented for Dr. Kimberly Martin-Donald’s graduate career counseling class, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Pence Wolf, C. (2012, July 2). Factors of career meaning: An analysis of U.S. Naval Academy graduates. Presented for Dr. M. Harry Daniels’ graduate counseling research class, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Pence Wolf, C., Jaramillo, A., Young, B., Ritter, J.(2010, October 9). Transition to college. Participated in a panel discussion for the Upward Bound College Preparatory Program, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Pence Wolf, C. (2010, October 6). Career lifeline and family influences. Presented in the undergraduate Career and Lifespan Development class, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Pence Wolf, C. (2010, June 28). Informational interviews. Presented for the Upward Bound College Preparatory Program, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Pence Wolf, C. (2009, October 7). Graduate school. Participated in a panel discussion for the undergraduate Career and Lifespan Development class, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Pence Wolf, C. v(2009, April 6). Managing stress through creating balance. Presented at the University of Florida Keys Residential Complex, Gainesville, FL.
Pence Wolf, C. (2009, March 5). Career financial planning. Presented for the Gator Launch Career Mentoring Program, Career Resource Center, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Pence Wolf, C. & Hope, K.J. (2008, September 23). Baker Act and Marchman Act. Presented for the Chi Sigma Iota Professional Development Workshop, Gainesville, FL.
Pence, C. & Panikowski, A. (2008, July 22) Graduate school preparation. Presented at the University of Florida Keys Complex, Gainesville, FL.
Pence, C. (2008, January 28). Career financial planning. Presented for the Gator Launch Career Mentoring Program, Career Resource Center, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Pence, C. & Wolf, M. (2007, October 15). Marchman Act: How counselors can help prepare families. Presented for graduate substance abuse class, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Local Conferences, Workshops, or Classes
Furdek, C & Pence Wolf, C. (2018, April 27). Struggling with invisible wounds: A veteran’s journey to regaining mental health. Presented for the Western Kentucky University sponsored continuing education program for professional counselors, Bowling Green, KY.
Duba Sauerheber, J. & Pence Wolf, C. (2017, July 27).Suicide assessment, treatment, and management. Kentucky Board-approved training presented for the Western Kentucky University sponsored continuing education program for professional counselors, Bowling Green, KY.
Duba Sauerheber, J. & Pence Wolf, C. (2017, March 23).Counselor supervision. Kentucky Board-approved training presented for the Western Kentucky University sponsored continuing education program for professional counselors, Bowling Green, KY.
Pence Wolf, C. & Sheucraft, A.* (2016, April 14). Customizing your counseling career: A guide to finding your ideal work setting. Poster presented for the Western Kentucky University College of Education and Behavioral Sciences REACH Week, Bowling Green, KY.
Pence Wolf, C., Jenkins, C.* & Sawyers, S. *(2015, May 15). Combating violence: How to manage abusive homes. Presented for International Center of Kentucky Staff Training, iSTAR (Interprofessional Service, Training, Advocacy, & Research) Project, Bowling Green, KY.
Pence Wolf, C., Sawyers, S.* & Jenkins, C.* (2015, March 27). Compassion fatigue and burnout. Presented for staff at the International Center of Kentucky, iSTAR (Interprofessional Service, Training, Advocacy, & Research) Project, Bowling Green, KY.
Pence Wolf, C. (2015, January 8). “No fear” public speaking. Presented at the Western Kentucky University Knicely Conference Center for Career and Workforce Development, Bowling Green, KY.
Pence Wolf, C., Jenkins, C.* & Sawyers, S.* (2014, November 21). Basic counseling skills. Presented for staff at the International Center of Kentucky, Project EMPOWER, Bowling Green, KY.
Pence Wolf, C., Sawyers, S*. & Jenkins, C.* (2014, October 17). Deescalating crisis with clients. Presented for staff at the International Center of Kentucky, Project EMPOWER, Bowling Green, KY.
Jaramillo, A.M, & Pence Wolf, C. (2011, February 2). Making sexual education fun: Using a support group/book club to explore the changes in sexual attitudes and awareness of female counselors-in-training. Graduate Student Council 2011 Interdisciplinary Research Conference, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Pence Wolf, C., & Jaramillo, A. (2010, March 26). Becoming an active member of CSI: How to get involved. Presented at the University of Florida Chi Sigma Iota Beta Chapter Professional Development Conference, Gainesville, FL.
Pence Wolf, C., & Mott, E. (2010, March 26). Using yoga to improve wellness: Exploring the effects of a four-week Luna Yoga program on female counselors and counselors-in-training. Presented at the University of Florida Chi Sigma Iota Beta Chapter Professional Development Conference, Gainesville, FL.
Pence Wolf, C., Mott, E., Thompson, I.,Baggs, A., & Puig, A. (2010, February 3). Using yoga to improve wellness: Exploring the effects of a four-week Luna Yoga program on female counselors and counselors-in-training. Poster presented at the Graduate Student Council Interdisciplinary Research Conference, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Pence Wolf, C. (2009, April 3). Finding a job in counseling: Where do you begin? Presented at the University of Florida Chi Sigma Iota Beta Chapter Professional Development Conference, Gainesville, FL.
Baggs, A., Pence Wolf, C., Puig, A., Fukuyama, M. (2009, April 3). Integrating spiritual competencies into multicultural counseling. Presented at the University of Florida Chi Sigma Iota Beta Chapter Professional Development Conference, Gainesville, FL.
Pence, C. (2008, April 18). Career financial planning for counselors. Presented at the University of Florida Chi Sigma Iota Beta Chapter Professional Development Conference, Gainesville, FL.
Pence, C. (2008, April 18). Finding a job in counseling: Where do you begin? Presented at the University of Florida Chi Sigma Iota Beta Chapter Professional Development Conference, Gainesville, FL.
Contributing Author to Presentation Preparation
Wright, D., Starks, S. & Pence Wolf, C. (2017, October 28). Caregiver strain: Assessment of stress and needs for caseworkers and paraprofessionals serving international refugees. Presented for the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing Biennial Convention, Indianapolis, IN.
Wright, D., Starks, S. & Pence Wolf, C. (2015, November 8). Project EMPOWER: An interdisciplinary project. Presented for the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing Biennial Convention, Las Vegas, NV.
Hagan, S.* & Pence Wolf, C. (2015, March 20). Siblings of substance abusers: The missing link. Presented at the Save Our Kids Conference, Bowling Green, KY.
Adams, C., Puig, A., Baggs, A., & Pence Wolf, C. (2014, October 18). Integrating religion and spirituality into clinical training: barriers and strategies. Poster presentation presented at the New England Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Lewiston, ME.