Many of my research studies and related experiences are funded through the grants listed below. Grants include 13 funded research grants and 5 funded research/conference travel grants. An additional 6 grant applications were submitted but not funded.
Funded Grants
Pence, C. L. (2020, Jan 21). Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training (BHWET) Program for Professionals. Health Resources & Services Administration. Amount $1,920,000; funded.
Pence Wolf, C. (2018, Dec 3). Exploring work values and job settings in mental health professions. WKU Quick Turn Around Grant (QTAG). Amount $2,968; funded.
Pence Wolf, C. (2017, May 11). Understanding the career development of resettled Bosnians. WKU Quick Turn Around Grant (QTAG). Amount $2,625; funded.
Pence Wolf, C. (2016, November 7). Zuheir Sofia Endowed International Faculty Seminar (ZSEIFS) to Bosnia-Herzegovina.Amount $1,800; funded.
Pence Wolf, C. (2016, May 9). NCDA conference research dissemination. WKU Quick Turn Around Grant (QTAG). Amount $1,902; funded.
Pence Wolf, C. & Duba Sauerheber, J. (2016, April 20). Enhancing education, university, industry collaborations to support regional college and career readiness. WKU Research and Creative Activities Program (RCAP). Amount $16,000; funded.
Wright, D. G., Starks, S. & Pence Wolf, C., (2015, April 3). Caregiver strain: Assessment of stress and needs for caseworkers and paraprofessionals serving international refugees. WKU ALIVE Center Community-Based Research Grant. Amount $1,324; funded.
Pence Wolf, C. (2012, November 24). Factors of career meaning: An analysis of U.S. Naval Academy graduates. 2012 Chi Sigma Iota Research Grant. Amount $400; funded.
Pence Wolf, C. (2011, October 25). Conference travel grant. University of Florida College of Education Office of Educational Research. Amount $250; funded.
Pence Wolf, C. (2011, October 25). Conference travel grant. University of Florida Center for Spirituality and Health. Amount $500; funded.
Jaramillo, A.M., & Pence Wolf, C. (2010, August 12). Making sexual education fun: Using a support group/book club to explore the changes in sexual attitudes and awareness of female counselors-in-training. 2010 Chi Sigma Iota Research Grant. Amount $250; funded.
Pence Wolf, C. (2010, March 20). First author travel grant. UF School of Human Development and Organizational Studies in Education. Amount $500; funded.
Pence Wolf, C. (2010, March 20). Conference travel grant. UF Graduate Student Council. Amount $250; funded
Pence Wolf, C., Mott, E., Thompson, I. & Baggs, A. Puig, A., (2009, July 23). Using yoga to improve wellness: Exploring the effects of a four-week Luna Yoga program on female counselors and counselors-in-training. University of Florida Center for Spirituality and Health Research Supplemental Grant. Amount $380; funded.
Adams, C., Puig, A., Pence Wolf, C., & Baggs, A. (2009, July 17). Spiritual and religious barriers in supervision: A Delphi study. 2009 Association of Counselor Education and Supervision Research Grant. Amount $1000; funded.
Pence Wolf, C., Mott, E., Thompson, I. &Baggs, A., (2009, June 1). Using yoga to improve wellness: Exploring the effects of a four-week Luna Yoga program on female counselors and counselors-in-training. 2009 Chi Sigma Iota Research Grant. Amount $300; funded.
Baggs, A., Pence Wolf, C., Puig, A., & Fukuyama, M. (2009, May 22). Integrating spiritual and multicultural competencies into counseling: A course evaluation study. University of Florida Center for Spirituality and Health Research Grant. Amount $1000; funded.
Pence Wolf, C., Thompson, I., & Thompson, E. (2008, June 1). Refresh your mind, rejuvenate your body, renew your spirit: A wellness program for future counselors. 2008 Chi Sigma Iota
Research Grant. Amount $400; funded.
Unfunded Grants
Pence, C. L. & Montgomery, Kelli (2021, Aug 6). Animal Welfare Grant. Arizona Community Foundation. Amount $20,000.
Pence, C. L. & Montgomery, Kelli (2021, Jul 19). Grief Reach Community Expansion Grant. New York Life Foundation & National Alliance for Grieving Children. Amount $50,000.
Pence Wolf, C., Wright, D. G., & Starks, S. (2015, February 23). iSTAR: Interprofessional service, training, advocacy, and research project for mental health professionals in training. WKU Research and Creative Activities Program (RCAP). Amount $16,000; unfunded.
Pence Wolf, C. (2013, February 15). Factors of career meaning: An analysis of U.S. Naval Academy graduates. 2013 National Career Development Association Graduate Student Research Grant Award. Amount $500; unfunded.
Pence Wolf, C. & Thompson, I. (2009, June 1). Exploring the benefits of a wellness program for future counselors: A qualitative follow-up study. 2009 Chi Sigma Iota Research Grant. Amount $770.
Baggs, A., Pence Wolf, C., Puig, A., & Fukuyama, M. (2009, March 1). Integrating spiritual and multicultural competencies into counseling: A course evaluation study. 2009 ASERVIC Research Grant. Amount $1000; unfunded.